Monday, January 6, 2014

Resolution for 2014: Feeling the beauty of breathing

I had this enlightening conversation with my superior in the last week of December on sense of time. He asked me ,'How important is sense of time for you?' I pondered and said, 'very important' and then mentioned the list of things I usually plan for the day. Generally, I am quite obsessed with filling up every minute with something. I have a restless brain of a child which is becoming all the more restless after the fitness schedule I follow. I find nothingness scary. I almost cry when I have nothing to do. Bel far niente is not my cup of tea. I am heading towards third decade of my life at the speed of light and my restlessness is growing at the exponential rate. I thought all this was a matter of pride and glory, until that discussion.

I see him as a father figure or rather grandfather figure. He said, ' Time is of no use. Actions are not important. How you stitch them together is of utmost importance. What is the use of ticking things is your check list, if you did not get time to stop, breathe and feel the joy? Is it just achiever's ego which means happiness to you? Shouldn't you find more depth in the happiness?'

I have been thinking about my new year's resolution. I am slowing down and contracting my 'to do' list. I want to feel the beauty of breathing. I have my first resolution of the year; 101 Suryanamaskars by end of second quarter of 2014.  :).Currently my count is 50  in one go.

Sun salutations: Unleash the power within you gradually.

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